Sports development

Davies' Presentation in for 12th of May

George Loxdale 12 PL

The range of sports-development providers is quite diverse and it is valuable that you have good knowledge of them. Together with the agencies they interact with to deliver sports-development programmes, they create a framework of providers.


·        National organisations
·        Local authorities
·        Governing bodies
·        Voluntary organisations
·        Private sector providers
·        Professional providers

National organisations

Sport England is the government agency responsible for building the foundations of sporting success. By creating a world-leading community sport system of clubs, coaches, facilities and volunteers.
Sport England want to create a vibrant sporting culture working in partnership with national governing bodies, their national partners, the HE/FE sector, local government and community organisations.
Their focus is around three outcomes – growing and sustaining the numbers of people taking part in sport and improving talent development to help more people excel.
Sport England have set themselves five targets which will see them deliver these outcomes:

Grow – one million people taking part in more sport and more children and young people taking part in five hours of PE and sport a week. These targets account for 15% of sport England’s investment/

Sustain – more people satisfied with their sporting experience and 25% fewer 16-18 year olds dropping out of a least nine sports – badminton, Basketball, football, hockey, gymnastics, netball, rugby league, rugby union and tennis. These targets account for 60% of sport England’s investment.

Excel – improved talent development in at least 25 sports. These target accounts for 25% of sport England’s investment.

Sports coach UK is a charitable organisation dedicated to the development of coaches and coaching throughout the UK. It provides a central resource of expertise, advice and support for its sports-development partners and helps to train coaches. It works with funding agencies and sports governing bodies, local authorities and other sports agencies that have an interest in coaching and its development.

The youth sport trust was established in 1984 to support the education and development of young children through sport and physical education. As well as setting up the TOP programmes, the organisation has developed a number of creative and innovative projects for young people aged 18months to 18years, which focus on specific issues including:
·        Social inclusion
·        Encouraging more teenage girls to take part in PE and sport
·        Playground development in primary schools to tackle social exclusion issues.
·        Supporting gifted and talented children and young people

The youth sport trust has formed partnerships with sponsors to help sports development, for example with Sainsbury’s and it’s active kids campaign, Lloyds TSB and national school sports week, and sky sports living for sport.

Local Authorities

Local authorities (LAs) are councils or metropolitan boroughs. They play an important role in sports development because they are concerned with all types of target groups in the community. Providing sporting and leisure facilities helps to make the community healthier and more inclusive.
Some local authorities tackle this on a large scale and have teams of sports-development officers running a range of programmes to meet the community’s needs. Others have more specific programmes such as GP referral schemes or disability sports.
Another feature of LAs’ work in sports development is through partnership schemes. They often join up with other social service providers and organisations, such as:

·        Health authorities to run health schemes
·        Voluntary clubs and groups to aid their sports development
·        Police and other welfare agencies to help reduce crime and exclusion.
·        Charities and neighbourhood groups who work in disadvantaged areas.

Governing bodies

Governing bodies of sport (GBs) are organisations that oversee a particular sport in terms of its management, rules, structure, and development. They operate locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Using football as our,,,,,,` example.


Football is governed by FIFA, the international football federation. Football in Europe is governed by EUFA, the European Union football association. Both organisations have similar aims for the sport in terms of its development, which can be summarised as promoting, protecting and developing the game of football. Look at the following websites for more information on FIFA and EUFA: and compare their mission statements and purposes


National governing bodies (NGBs) exist for most sports in each country and usually have ‘mission or vision statements’ which in turn drive their aims and objectives. For example see the English football associations vision statement for 2008-12: their intended outcomes are similar to sports development aims everywhere: for young people to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic well-being. The FA national game strategy sets out its purpose, values, strategic games and targets – with four key goals:
·        Growth and retention  - increasing the number of players and addressing retention
·        Raising standards and addressing abusive behaviour – creating a safe and positive environment
·        Developing better players – focusing on improving the quality of the 5-11 age group
·        Running the game effectively – leading and governing the game.


Continuing the football theme we should see a reflection of the GB and NGBs’ sports aims filter down to lower levels. For example, the north riding county football association’s development plan has many features that reflect these principles, values and aims :
·        Mini-soccer for children
·        Girls’ and women’ football development
·        Equality and inclusiveness
·        Ethnicity and disability partnership


The Scarborough & district junior football association reflects this development aims locally, with themes coming down from the FA strategy of: 
·        Equality of access
·        Support for player development
·        Caring coaches.

Voluntary organisations

These are often known as the ‘grass roots of sport’, they represent the wide variety of sport that goes on at a recreational and basic competitive level in the UK. This is achieved through low-cost participation supported by volunteers giving their time freely and sometimes by grants of money from sport England, the local authority or sponsors.

Volunteers often join to take part in refereeing, administration, coaching and running club committees or just making the tea! Sports club volunteers (unsung heroes) may be eligible for awards for their dedication to sport.

Private sector providers

A private sector with regards to sport can be seen as a Company whose fundamental aim is to make money, but who also often help to fund sports.
The private sector “Is made up of the two main groups: commercial enterprises that provide facilities for the public in return for payment. And companies that provide facilities for the unemployed” (Physical education and the anatomy of sport).

Private sector sporting facilities and centres are owned and run by completely independent private companies, whose funding comes largely from the owners/ stakeholders. The privately run sports specific centres operate all around the UK, and have goals similar to the public sector. Although the private sector centres motives are a lot more financial. This sector is strongly demand led and is greatly affected by the ‘external environment’. Such as changes in trend, public spending habits, economic decline, location etc. For example if our country  is in an economic ‘slowdown’ then customers generally tend to save more and spend less money on non-essential services such as gym memberships. Along with the public sector, the private sector works in partnership with neighbouring firms and organisations.

Their main focuses and drives are;

        Profit making
        Increase sales
        Increase market share
        Focus on quality
        Improve status

Money In
        Sponsorship to individuals/teams
        Sports aid grants
        Buying TV rights
        National Sports Foundation
        Running and maintaining private sports clubs and facilities

Money Out
        Business profit
        Ticket sales
        Sale of TV right

Professional providers

These are individuals and organisations that operate in the area of sports development. Some are specialists in one sport and travel from location to location, while others stay at one centre or venue. Professional providers include:
·        Independent coaches who work for several clubs, such as a gymnastics or swimming coach
·        Self-employed developers or coaches who are employed by local centres for mini-soccer, netball or tennis coaching.

Professional providers often need to be licensed or approved by a GB. They must have insurance and a criminal records bureau (CRB) check if they want to work children or young people.


Sport level 3 book Mark Adams et al


In sport we have to take in a range of different performers, who come from various different backgrounds cultures and beliefs, each of these has its own demands and regulations for participation in sport and so it is the job of different organisations and sporting parties to overcome this, finding ways to include and allow everyone to participate in sport.

The sports Development / Performance pyramid is an explanation of how participation and ability can be measured in sport. It helps to highlight the route a performer can take to become an elite performer. It includes four different sections;

-The Foundation stage
At this stage sport practisers are classed as novices, where the achievement and learning of basic skills and techniques are achieved. A scheme run by the government which helps to widen the amount of children participating in sport is called the 5x60 scheme.

-The participation stage
This stage consists of anyone who participates in sport regularly, for reasons such as socialising, health or fitness or enjoyment, to develop their skills in an activity.

-The performance stage
The Performance level consists of anyone involved in sport who aims to improve their skills. A participant will show commitment to help perfect their skills and they will be at a club or regional standard.

-The elite stage
Consists of skilled performers who aim to achieve set standards that are measurable usually through competition. Activities at Excellence level usually have rewards that motivate the individual, such as trophies or money.

At each stage of the sports development continuum there are different factors which can sometimes prevent and hold back individuals from participating in sport, these are known as ‘barriers to participation’. Some examples of these would be as below, each of which will be discussed and explored within this essay;


As well as this I will be looking into the target groups within the sporting industry…the participants. Finding out how their different group types can affect them in a sporting environment. The three I will be exploring are as below;

-Young people.

The biggest differences in participation relate to age, the older people become the less likely performance at competition standard and elite activity occurs, this is why they aren’t associated with the elite stage of the performance pyramid, and instead fall into the bottom category - the foundation stage, it is here that sport is taken at the lowest form of its competitive and serious atmosphere, where participants play more for enjoyment and social aspects, with little technical and skilful actions/movements to follow. It is the least physically and mentally demanding sector, with little stress and pressure to succeed, meaning it does not require huge amounts of training and commitment from its members.

The section below taken from a study found at   ( discus’s age differences in relation to participation, showing how it can be a major factor of concern within the sporting environment.

Age best predicts participation in sport, exercise or physical activity. The proportions in each age-group who exercise several times a week are:

  • 50% of those aged 16-24
  • 36% of those aged 25-34
  • 38% of those aged 35-44
  • 32% of 45-59 year olds
  • 34% of 60 to 74 year olds
  • 20% of those aged 75 and over.
The above data collected from (

Shows a significant drop in participation levels between the ages of (16-24) and (75 and over) stating that the older generation of people take part in a lot less physical activity than those younger than them.

Taking part in sport and exercise by age;

Base: All (2,077), 16-24 (179), 25-34 (257), 35-44 (394), 45-59 (541), 60-74 (454), 75+ (252)

Again the above picture outlines the decrease in participation partnering with an increase in age.

Reasons for exercising

The oldest group were much less likely than younger people to be exercising to keep fit, relieve stress/relax, keep in shape or lose weight but instead more likely to be taking part for enjoyment and social aspects or because it helps with an injury/disability

Reasons for not exercising

People in different age groups have quite distinct reasons for not exercising. This is illustrated in the picture below. Health is a barrier that increases steadily with age and is by far the main issue affecting the older generation.

Reasons for not exercising (% of respondents)

Views on exercising more often

When asked if exercising more regularly was something they wished to achieve the study found that; the oldest age groups were more likely to indicate that they did not want to exercise more: 58% of 60-74 year olds and 72% of those aged 75 or over did not want to exercise more.

Economical reasons.

Being an ‘OAP’ comes with many different discounted opportunities especially within the sporting environment, the older generation are often offered with a range of different options for sport. This is a great way in which to encourage elderly people to participate in sport. By reducing prises you widen the desirability of the opportunity and due to retirement=lack of money and funds…reducing prises makes sport more affordable and therefore doable to senior members of society.
An example of where this applies would be at the lc2 Swansea, where senior citizens are offered with discounted opportunities regarding the pool. Paying £3 per time instead of the regular adulated prise of £7.
Young people.
Young people are the most active and involved with sport in the UK, they shape the future of the sports industry being the nations up and coming talents. And so it is highly important that they are offered with the right pathways and opportunities in sport.

There are many different factors and barriers which prevent young people from sometimes reaching their full potential in sport. Below these are listed and explained, evaluating how these problems can be and are resolved.


The are a number of different economical reasons that affect young people in the UK, if the child comes from a not so privileged background where money is a major issue, performing in sport can be an extremely difficult task to complete, Not having enough money/funds to attend outside school clubs, afford correct equipment and uniform etc will prevent the young person from reaching a possible talent.

There are a number of different schemes that are put together to overcome barriers such as these, an example of this would be the 5x60 scheme, who are an organisation with the main aims of increasing mass participation with young people, they help to get children involved in sport no matter what their background to encourage them into participating in sports. By the 5x60 scheme coming in and offering these opportunities, this ecological barrier is broken as no money and funds are needed from the participants.

As well as this the ‘dragon sports’ organisation also help to overcome young peoples sporting barriers. They to offer a range of different sporting activities and through these they can identify potential talents of participants and help to feed them onto further possible success. 

As well as the sporting organisations there are a number of different offers provided by sporting clubs and industries that are aimed to encourage the participation of younger people. An example of where this is present would be the lc2 who by offering a discounted price widen the amount of young people interested in sport increasing their motivational levels regarding participation.

Lc2 offer a range of different activities for younger people, an example is as below taken from their website;
Historically it had been thought of and acceptable for sport to be associated with male domination which of course led to serious discrimination towards women in sport. It was believed that the concept of feminism and fertility could be threatened by participation in all but the most genteel of sports.
In the Victorian era is was thought of as unsuitable, undignified and even dangerous for women to participate in any form of sporting activity and during the Nineteenth century women were not only constrained by societal attitudes but also by the lack of opportunity and provision. There were was no support both financially or socially and it was strongly thought of as being morally wrong for them to behave in such a way.
During the late 90’s female champions started to emerge, but were highly criticised for their ‘’ aggressive and extremely competitive behavior’’ (advance pe for OCR and A2, Daniel Bonney, John Ireland etc…2004) they then had their sexuality questioned and were labeled with the term of being ‘butch’
The are many different people who participate in sport, all coming from different backgrounds and beliefs. Culture and religion can determine the path of one sporting participation. Each religion and belief comes with its individual set of rules/guidelines / beliefs that followers must honor and for some religions such as Islamic there are a few rules which affect how women participate in sport. Below are some of their beliefs and an outline on how it can affect them in sport.
All Islamic observances must be followed, regardless of any school policies or social stigmas.  It is very important to ensure that there are no males watching. Mixing of sexes is forbidden in normal situations.

When participating in sports, the clothing must be islamically acceptable. This would therefore exclude shorts, t-shirts, leotards, swimming costumes etc. Wearing even body suits is sometimes not sufficient enough for their culture.

Distinction between Muslim women and other women is intended to safeguard Muslim women against the influence of women who do not follow their way of living. According to Ibn 'Abbas "...a Muslim woman is not allowed to display herself before the women of the unbelievers any more than she can display herself before other men"

Another strong belief of the Muslim culture is where ‘Allah’ has commanded the believing women to lower their gaze, this meaning that it is another barrier for Muslim women when watching sport. It is frowned upon for the women to watch men in shorts and small amounts of clothing.
Women Conclusion.
In today’s society there is a strong desire to address and over come the sexist issue, there are many different programs and opportunities out there to help increase the participation levels with women in sport. Offering separation classes for those with various cultural and religious believes, school activities to help provide and encourage women from an early age and sports centers offering crèches for woman with young children..
In schools, sport education programs are mixed whenever possible a project which helps to do this would be the 5x0 scheme, a government run program which offers a range of different activities for mixed classed school children. As well as including both sexes it is a great way to spot future talent and help feed children up through the sports development continuum .
Female role models are used frequently in the ‘sports person in schools’ project- a project used in an Australian school named ‘Victoria’ who brings in both able and disabled athletes on a regular basis  to advice and act as role models. (Advance pe for OCR and A2, Daniel Bonney, John Ireland etc…2004)
As well as the above, national heroes such as dame Kelly Holmes, Paula Radcliff and Mary King are advertised and showcased in the world of sport to act as role models and inspiration to women everywhere.
In the USA ‘title IX was passed as a law in 1972 and is a perfect example of how the issue of gender inequality has been addressed. It stated that;
‘’No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation from any education program or activity receiving federal assistance.’’
(Advance pe for OCR and A2, Daniel Bonney, John Ireland etc…2004)
It is from opportunities such as the Title IX law that provide women with that reinsuring sense of  equality and rightfulness within the sporting environment, therefore encouraging a greater amount of participation = more talent identification = more success (medals, trophies, awards) hence greatly supporting the sports development continuum.

George Loxdale 12 PL

The range of sports-development providers is quite diverse and it is valuable that you have good knowledge of them. Together with the agencies they interact with to deliver sports-development programmes, they create a framework of providers.


·        National organisations
·        Local authorities
·        Governing bodies
·        Voluntary organisations
·        Private sector providers
·        Professional providers

National organisations

Sport England is the government agency responsible for building the foundations of sporting success. By creating a world-leading community sport system of clubs, coaches, facilities and volunteers.
Sport England want to create a vibrant sporting culture working in partnership with national governing bodies, their national partners, the HE/FE sector, local government and community organisations.
Their focus is around three outcomes – growing and sustaining the numbers of people taking part in sport and improving talent development to help more people excel.
Sport England have set themselves five targets which will see them deliver these outcomes:

Grow – one million people taking part in more sport and more children and young people taking part in five hours of PE and sport a week. These targets account for 15% of sport England’s investment/

Sustain – more people satisfied with their sporting experience and 25% fewer 16-18 year olds dropping out of a least nine sports – badminton, Basketball, football, hockey, gymnastics, netball, rugby league, rugby union and tennis. These targets account for 60% of sport England’s investment.

Excel – improved talent development in at least 25 sports. These target accounts for 25% of sport England’s investment.

Sports coach UK is a charitable organisation dedicated to the development of coaches and coaching throughout the UK. It provides a central resource of expertise, advice and support for its sports-development partners and helps to train coaches. It works with funding agencies and sports governing bodies, local authorities and other sports agencies that have an interest in coaching and its development.

The youth sport trust was established in 1984 to support the education and development of young children through sport and physical education. As well as setting up the TOP programmes, the organisation has developed a number of creative and innovative projects for young people aged 18months to 18years, which focus on specific issues including:
·        Social inclusion
·        Encouraging more teenage girls to take part in PE and sport
·        Playground development in primary schools to tackle social exclusion issues.
·        Supporting gifted and talented children and young people

The youth sport trust has formed partnerships with sponsors to help sports development, for example with Sainsbury’s and it’s active kids campaign, Lloyds TSB and national school sports week, and sky sports living for sport.

Local Authorities

Local authorities (LAs) are councils or metropolitan boroughs. They play an important role in sports development because they are concerned with all types of target groups in the community. Providing sporting and leisure facilities helps to make the community healthier and more inclusive.
Some local authorities tackle this on a large scale and have teams of sports-development officers running a range of programmes to meet the community’s needs. Others have more specific programmes such as GP referral schemes or disability sports.
Another feature of LAs’ work in sports development is through partnership schemes. They often join up with other social service providers and organisations, such as:

·        Health authorities to run health schemes
·        Voluntary clubs and groups to aid their sports development
·        Police and other welfare agencies to help reduce crime and exclusion.
·        Charities and neighbourhood groups who work in disadvantaged areas.

Governing bodies

Governing bodies of sport (GBs) are organisations that oversee a particular sport in terms of its management, rules, structure, and development. They operate locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Using football as our,,,,,,` example.


Football is governed by FIFA, the international football federation. Football in Europe is governed by EUFA, the European Union football association. Both organisations have similar aims for the sport in terms of its development, which can be summarised as promoting, protecting and developing the game of football. Look at the following websites for more information on FIFA and EUFA: and compare their mission statements and purposes


National governing bodies (NGBs) exist for most sports in each country and usually have ‘mission or vision statements’ which in turn drive their aims and objectives. For example see the English football associations vision statement for 2008-12: their intended outcomes are similar to sports development aims everywhere: for young people to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic well-being. The FA national game strategy sets out its purpose, values, strategic games and targets – with four key goals:
·        Growth and retention  - increasing the number of players and addressing retention
·        Raising standards and addressing abusive behaviour – creating a safe and positive environment
·        Developing better players – focusing on improving the quality of the 5-11 age group
·        Running the game effectively – leading and governing the game.


Continuing the football theme we should see a reflection of the GB and NGBs’ sports aims filter down to lower levels. For example, the north riding county football association’s development plan has many features that reflect these principles, values and aims :
·        Mini-soccer for children
·        Girls’ and women’ football development
·        Equality and inclusiveness
·        Ethnicity and disability partnership


The Scarborough & district junior football association reflects this development aims locally, with themes coming down from the FA strategy of: 
·        Equality of access
·        Support for player development
·        Caring coaches.

Voluntary organisations

These are often known as the ‘grass roots of sport’, they represent the wide variety of sport that goes on at a recreational and basic competitive level in the UK. This is achieved through low-cost participation supported by volunteers giving their time freely and sometimes by grants of money from sport England, the local authority or sponsors.

Volunteers often join to take part in refereeing, administration, coaching and running club committees or just making the tea! Sports club volunteers (unsung heroes) may be eligible for awards for their dedication to sport.

Private sector providers

A private sector with regards to sport can be seen as a Company whose fundamental aim is to make money, but who also often help to fund sports.
The private sector “Is made up of the two main groups: commercial enterprises that provide facilities for the public in return for payment. And companies that provide facilities for the unemployed” (Physical education and the anatomy of sport).

Private sector sporting facilities and centres are owned and run by completely independent private companies, whose funding comes largely from the owners/ stakeholders. The privately run sports specific centres operate all around the UK, and have goals similar to the public sector. Although the private sector centres motives are a lot more financial. This sector is strongly demand led and is greatly affected by the ‘external environment’. Such as changes in trend, public spending habits, economic decline, location etc. For example if our country  is in an economic ‘slowdown’ then customers generally tend to save more and spend less money on non-essential services such as gym memberships. Along with the public sector, the private sector works in partnership with neighbouring firms and organisations.

Their main focuses and drives are;

        Profit making
        Increase sales
        Increase market share
        Focus on quality
        Improve status

Money In
        Sponsorship to individuals/teams
        Sports aid grants
        Buying TV rights
        National Sports Foundation
        Running and maintaining private sports clubs and facilities

Money Out
        Business profit
        Ticket sales
        Sale of TV right

Professional providers

These are individuals and organisations that operate in the area of sports development. Some are specialists in one sport and travel from location to location, while others stay at one centre or venue. Professional providers include:
·        Independent coaches who work for several clubs, such as a gymnastics or swimming coach
·        Self-employed developers or coaches who are employed by local centres for mini-soccer, netball or tennis coaching.

Professional providers often need to be licensed or approved by a GB. They must have insurance and a criminal records bureau (CRB) check if they want to work children or young people.


Sport level 3 book Mark Adams et al

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